Metso Full portfolio Zinc Concentrate Direct Leaching
Zinc Concentrate Direct Leaching

Zinc Concentrate Direct Leaching

Choose a highly cost-effective and efficient zinc concentrate direct leaching solution. Metso's zinc direct leaching process enables efficient zinc and by-product recovery from a wide range of primary zinc sulfides. Direct leaching requires no investment in a roaster or acid plant, so it is especially suitable for smaller plants and plant expansions.
  • Recovers zinc as SHG ingots and by-products such as Cu, Cd, Co, Ni, In, Ga, and Ge    
  • Adapts to different feed qualities and by-product recovery demands    
  • Scales to a wide range of production capacities    
  • Enables efficient oxidation at low cost with specially designed reactors for atmospheric leaching    
  • Boasts a low CAPEX as no roaster or acid plant is needed
Zinc Concentrate Direct Leaching
Atmospheric direct leaching of zinc concentrate
Atmospheric direct leaching of zinc concentrate

Atmospheric direct leaching can easily be constructed to be standalone or combined with calcine leaching. The iron can be removed as jarosite or goethite. As a result of the precise control of iron oxidation and the acidity of the process solution, iron precipitation is carried out either during or after the leaching process, depending on the needs of the customer.

Hydrometallurgical Zinc Plants and  Processes flowchart
Hydrometallurgical Zinc Plants and Processes flowchart

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