Metso Insights Blog People and culture Juulia got a warm welcome to the company
Sep 16, 2022

Juulia got a warm welcome to the company

Juulia Rintala worked as a Talent & Development Summer Trainee at Metso. Her internship was packed with many interesting projects that support her studies in people management. In her opinion, Metso's people made her internship, as she was warmly welcomed to the company from the very beginning. Read how her summer at Metso went and what made her intership such a great experience.

I’m Juulia Rintala, and I work as a Talent & Development trainee at Metso this summer. I’m located at the Helsinki office, so I work in the Group HR. I’m a master’s student at the Aalto University School of Business with a major in people management. In this summer trainee position, I have had the opportunity to broaden my knowledge about many human resources development related matters and been part of multiple super interesting projects. As I have a strong interest in wellbeing, diversity and inclusion and learning, among many, I immediately wanted to apply to this trainee position once I saw the job ad.

In this summer trainee position, I have had the opportunity to broaden my knowledge about many human resources development related matters and been part of multiple super interesting projects.

It is quite stressful to apply for summer trainee positions. Many times, you don’t know how the process is going to go, and sometimes you don’t even get a “no thank you” message. This recruitment process was on the contrary – this was the first job I heard from after applying to many and ever since I was constantly kept in the loop of what’s coming. The interviews were also very relaxed and warm. On the second interview the whole team was there to meet me which gave me the feeling that they were most importantly looking for a team member. I got a very warm feeling of the team and I actually felt that we connected nicely. After the interview I was just hoping to get to the team and was buzzing when I got the call that I was chosen.

During the first week of my internship all of my teammates had scheduled one-on-one meetings with me to get to know each other and to introduce the projects I could get to participate on. While I was super eager to start tackling all my work tasks, I was allowed to digest all the new information that I got during the first few weeks. The flood of information didn’t drown me as my team understood that it would take time to get the hang of things. I got a buddy from my team who made sure I was adjusting well and from whom I got to ask questions when anything came up. We had team meetings twice a week and met together at office on Tuesdays, so it was easy for me to get to know everyone. Even though I was new and did not have that much experience, I feel like everyone trusted me and my skills. I was offered comments and guidance on my work which helped me to grow. When thinking back, I have definitely gained a lot of confidence in my doing and I feel like I have also improved my skills a lot.

Even though I was new and did not have that much experience, I feel like everyone trusted me and my skills.

For me, one of the most important things about a job is the people. I can certainly say that the people at Metso made my internship. My team has been nothing but wonderful from the very beginning and it’s been a great pleasure to work with these talented, creative, and determined people. Even though I work in the group HR, I have also been able to get to know other amazing people that work with Talent and Development related matters all over the company, in different corners of the world. Moreover, I had wonderful encounters with all the other trainees I met during my six-month internship. With this warm experience I would gladly recommend working at Metso for anyone interested!

For me, one of the most important things about a job is the people. I can certainly say that the people at Metso made my internship.