Metso Insights Case studies Mining and metals refining Kaunis Iron exceeds 95% availability with a close partnership with Metso
Jan 31, 2025

Kaunis Iron exceeds 95% availability with a close partnership with Metso

Kaunis Iron, an open-pit mine situated near the polar circle in northern Sweden, represents a new generation of iron ore mining. Operating in a state-of-the art, modern facility in Kaunisvaara since 2018, the company is deeply committed to the local community, with a goal to establish a long-term, sustainable business. The mine produces 2.3 million tons of iron ore concentrate annually.

The concentrator plant in Kaunisvaara has recently been upgraded with a new flotation facility, and an additional Vertimill® has been added to the operation. These enhancements will enable the processing of new ores and ensure the continued delivery of high-quality iron ore concentrate to the global market.

The site utilizes a comprehensive range of Metso equipment, parts, and services throughout their entire process. “We have collaborated for a long time, and we have great confidence in Metso’s products. They are maintenance-friendly and reliable, and our personnel know how to service them to minimize wear,” says Johan Töyrä, Maintenance Manager at Kaunis Iron.

Johan Töyrä, Maintenance Manager at Kaunis Iron.
Johan Töyrä, Maintenance Manager at Kaunis Iron.

Customer aims

  • Sustainable operation for many years to come
  • Zero accidents
  • High availability and an efficient and reliable operation
  • Optimize the parts according to their fixed maintenance stops


  • Metso equipment throughout the process
  • Metso Life Cycle Services partnership for the grinding mills including wear parts, inspections and service
  • OEM spares and wears for most process steps
  • VertiSenseTM online monitoring


  • Over 95% plant availability (including maintenance stops)
  • Improved safety
  • Long-lasting parts, quick and safe wear parts change out
  • Pinion problems solved
  • Access to real time information of Vertimill® parts wear

The full circuit operation

In Kaunis Iron’s operation, the ore is blasted and transported to the primary crusher, where meter-sized blocks are crushed into 140 mm pieces. It then travels via a long-enclosed belt conveyor to the Grizzly screen, separating the material into coarse and fine fractions before being stored and transported to the modern concentration plant.

Grinding occurs in several stages. The primary SAG mill (34’x18.75’) grinds the ore to about 2.5 mm. Magnetic separation then isolates the magnetite from waste rock, which is processed into a fine powder. In the four Vertimills, the ore is ground to a 53-micron powder, comparable to cornflour, and separated again using magnets. The material then undergoes flotation to remove the sulfur, where reagents enrich the ore to the desired sellable quality. The process water is reused, ensuring no harmful substances are released into the environment.

We have collaborated for a long time, and we have great confidence in Metso’s products. They are maintenance-friendly and reliable, and our personnel know how to service them to minimize wear.
Johan Töyrä, Maintenance Manager at Kaunis Iron

Working together to achieve more

Metso and Kaunis Iron have had a mill liner service contract in place since 2020, which has significantly enhanced collaboration and fostered a closer working relationship.  

“We get great support from Metso and they are very present at our site, conducting inspections every other week. The mill liner agreement has not only strengthened our partnership but also ensured comprehensive support. Metso’s personnel offer advice on all our process equipment. This agreement has brought us closer, improving our collaboration and ensuring everything runs smoothly,” Töyrä says.

Discussions on site between Kaunis Iron and Metso.
Discussions on site between Kaunis Iron and Metso.
We get great support from Metso and they are very present at our site, conducting inspections every other week. The mill liner agreement has not only strengthened our partnership but also ensured comprehensive support.
Johan Töyrä, Maintenance Manager at Kaunis Iron

A safe workplace in focus

One of the mine’s top priorities is zero accidents, and they proactively addresses safety on multiple fronts. "Safety is a high priority for us. We take a proactive approach by conducting regular safety rounds and identifying risk observations to address and rectifying any deficiencies. Together with Metso, we are continuously making our workspace safer," Töyrä explains.

Continuous maintenance improvements

The mine’s availability is high, exceeding 95%, including maintenance stops. It has four planned stops per year, with short inspections in between. Metso is responsible for maintenance of the grinding mill.

“The mill relines have worked really well, we have never exceeded the planned time. Even if it sometimes has been short on time, Metso has always been flexible and of the opinion that it can be done. The work is carried out safely, even at a high pace. The Metso team is experienced and everyone knows what to do, which also enhances safety. The few and large liner pieces make liner change-outs very smooth, positivily impacting our production," Töyrä says.

Zero accidents is a key target for Kaunis Iron and Metso.
Zero accidents is a key target for Kaunis Iron and Metso.

Wear parts optimization

The 34-foot horizontal mill is equipped with MegalinerTM and metallic grates. Megaliner has been in the mill shell since the mine’s inception, and the feed was converted to Megaliner in 2022. The trommel and discharge liners have been optimized over the years. The liners in both the horizontal and vertical mills are highly durable, with the shell liners lasting over a year and the feed and discharge liners lasting around two years.

“We have designed the liners to fit Kaunis’ maintenance stops. Thanks to Megaliner, we can replace the liners safely and quickly. Megaliner is essential to meet the customer’s requirements for shutdown times,” says Sandra Sandberg, Technical Sales Support Manager, Mill Lining, Metso.

“It is important that the quality is right so that the liner wear life syncs with the fixed stops. In addition to production benefits, long-lasting parts also mean greater sustainability, as fewer liners are needed, leading to reduced waste and less risky maintenance,” Töyrä adds.

Another tangible result from the collaboration with Metso is the resolved issue with the mill pinions. “We worked together with Metso, and now it works well,” he concludes.

Metso Megaliner™ speeds up the mill reline and improves safety.
Metso Megaliner™ speeds up the mill reline and improves safety.

Metso VertiSenseTM monitors wear in real time

Metso recently installed the innovative VertiSense™ online monitoring system on one of Kaunis Iron’s Vertimills. VertiSense is designed to monitor liner wear in real time, leading to more profitable, efficient, and sustainable operations. The installation and startup of VertiSense is quick and simple, requiring no mill downtime, thus leaving operations unaffected.

“Our expectations for VertiSense are that it will give us a better control and understanding of the wear, allowing us to use the wear parts longer and avoid unnecessary replacements,” Töyrä says.

Metso VertiSense™ provides real time montitoring of Vertimill® wear parts.
Metso VertiSense™ provides real time montitoring of Vertimill® wear parts.

The long-term partnership between Kaunis Iron and Metso continues, with the Life Cycle Services agreement being extended. ”We hope to collaborate with Metso to further optimize our operations,” Töyrä concludes.

Metso deliverables at Kaunis Iron

  • Equipment: Crusher, mills, screens, feeders, magnetic separators, Vertimills, agitators, mill chute, VPA filters, classifiers, tank cells, conveyor belts, pumps.
  • Services: Life Cycle Services contract on mill (liners + inspections/relines), pinion replacements, VertiSense online monitoring of Vertimill® liners.
  • Spare and wear parts: crusher parts, mill liners, screening media, Vertimill® liners, pump liners, slurry hoses, chute liners, parts for VPA filters.

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