Metso Full portfolio Flotation Plant Units
flotation plant units island metso

Flotation Plant Units

Maximizing performance and reliability

Through seamless integration of functional design and comprehensive scope, Metso Flotation Plant Units deliver unparalleled metallurgical performance leading to high operational reliability and return on investment.


Exceptional performance

Proven superior metallurgical performance (recovery & grade) for all flotation applications

Functional design

Froth handling designed for a high operational window, allowing for flexibility in circuit operation

Outstanding operability 

High operational reliability and fast maintenance for continuous, trouble-free operation

Proven expertise

50+ flotation plants and 15000+ flotation equipment deliveryreferences worldwide

Key challenges in flotation circuit performance

Decreasing ore grades and complex ore bodies set new challenges for the mining industry. Complex flotation circuit sizing and poorly integrated plant equipment can lead to recovery losses having an impact in the long run.

Introducing Flotation Plant Units

Through seamless integration of functional design and comprehensive scope, Metso Flotation Plant Units deliver unparalleled metallurgical performance leading to high operational reliability and return on investment. Offering industry leading technology including flotation equipment, conditioners, froth handling system, automation and service products, these plant units provide a one-stop shop from testing to full plant unit delivery. 

Industry’s most comprehensive scope of supply





Flotation process know-how and sizing services

TankCell® flotation

SkimAir® flash flotation cells

ColumnCellTM flotation

OKTOP® conditioners

Froth handling (launders, sumps, pumping, piping systems)

Process control & automation

Proven plant & flotation process design






Blower and compressor systems

Overhead cranes

Piping and valves

Building and equipment support steel structures

Process and building electrification











Sampling systems

Courier® analyzer

LevelSenseTM slurry level measurement


APC froth speed control

APC flotation optimizer

GeminexTM metallurgical digital twin









Spare and wear parts

Maintenance, shutdown and repairs

Modernizations, upgrades and retrofits

Process optimization and connected services

Life cycle services 

Training services











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Value calculators & recommender tools

Flotation case studies, blogs & webinars

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