Metso Full portfolio HSC Chemistry Exergy Balance Module

Exergy Balance Module

Exergy Balance module allows the user to calculate the exergy, mass and heat balance for a system where there can be multiple input and output streams with multiple species.

HSC Exe – Exergy Balance Module

 Exergy calculations can be performed for three different types of streams and the user can see the results for physical, chemical and total exergy.

The recent concerns about sustainability and global warming have led to stricter environmental standards, which in turn have made exergy more a important factor in many of today’s industries. Energy analysis can show the energy efficiency of a process but it does not tell us anything about the usability of the energy before or after it. Exergy analysis is used in industry and industrial ecology to measure the amount of usable energy. The results can be used, for example, to calculate how efficiently the process utilizes the usable energy available.

Exergy Balance Module
Exergy Balance Module


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