Metso Full portfolio LSF filter
LSF filter

LSF filter

Polishing filtration

Cost efficient, reliable and proven filter for high-capacity, polishing applications

15 - 720m² ​filtration area ​

1,000+ installations​ worldwide​

Up to 10% reduced embedded carbon due to less material needed due to low operation/design pressure

Up to 15% less energy usage due to low operation pressure and long cycle time, unique low resistance cake building, and lack of moving parts

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Metso LSF filter

Our wide range of filters simplify your process by accommodating flow rates from 1 to 576 m³/hr with a single unit. Constant flow filtration ensures maximum capacity and minimum disturbance, ensuring a high level of filtrate quality.

  • Reduces operating costs as filter aids are rarely needed
  • Maximizes cloth life through highly effective cleaning
  • Decreases maintenance and makes frequent supervision unnecessary through fully automatic operation and no moving parts
  • Lowers operating costs with low energy requirements
  • Minimizes space requirements due to compact construction and high unit capacity



LSF filter


  • Thickener/clarifier overflows
  • Solvent extraction and electrowining feed solutions
  • Pressure and vacuum filter filtrates
  • Centrifuge centrates
  • Prior to crystallisation or precipitation
  • Inorganic pigment recovery
Testing capabilities

Metso’s filtration expertise is built on almost one hundred years of R&D and process knowledge, and is supported by the company’s globally unique Dewatering Technology Center (DTC) in Lappeenranta, Finland. The DTC plays a crucial role in Metso’s filtration solution innovations and acts as a hub for close university cooperation related to separation technology research. Metso has performed over 14,000 filtration tests and has delivered over 5,000 filters around the world.

Testing capabilities
The Metso Filtration Services team strives to deliver the best possible availability, performance and quality whilst optimizing costs. Our filtration solutions aim to eliminate environmental and societal risks at our customer operations. Our filtration experts ensure safety and quality are built into everything we do from R&D and engineering to parts and services.

Filtration upgrades to help achieve your sustainability and production targets

Faster, easier maintenance
Increased filter availability
Improved safety
Minimized downtime

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