Trellex Traclag slidable rubber pulley lagging

for belt conveyors

Trellex® Traclag slidable rubber lagging is a quick replaceable lagging system suitable for a wide range of applications. This system is specially designed to increase conveyor availability as it is applied directly onto the pulley shell. The slide lagging pads slide into retainers welded into the pulley shell. New pads can be easily replaced without removing the pulley from the conveyor.

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About Trellex® Traclag slidable rubber lagging


Trellex Traclag slidable rubber lagging is used in applications that require an easy installation and operation. Benefits include the application and removal of the lagging without removing the drum from the conveyor system and no need to sandblast pulley shell before application, slidable lagging products are recommended for the mining, quarry grain and concrete industries. Slide lagging kits are supplied pre-cut to pulley size for fast and easy installation.


Our Traclag slidable lagging has specially designed compound elastomers moulded under high pressure to heavy duty steel plates, which are shaped and cut to fit each pulley diameter and face. The plates slide in and out of steel retainers which are welded to the pulley shell.

Slide lagging are all moulded under pressure to the steel plates with no lagging failure from loss of adhesion or separation between the steel and the compound. The slide lagging steel plates are 135 mm wide to ensure easy handling and application with 5 mm of exposed steel at each side for clipping retainers. Rubber slide lagging is 15 mm thick, pad length is 1687 mm and can be cut and bent to suit the pulley size. Slide lagging kits are supplied pre-cut to pulley size for fast and easy installation or can be supplied in full lengths.


Traclag slidable rubber lagging 3D

Installation: Welded
Fire Resistant & Anti Static, FRAS: Available on request

Traclag slidable rubber lagging 3D

Benefits and features

  • Improved belt tracking

  • Reduces slippage between belt & pulley

  • Protects the pulley from wear & dirt

  • Prevents material build-up

  • Suitable for all applications

  • FRAS quality available on request

  • Suits any pulley size

  • Easy to install

  • Hot vulcanized bonding layer available on request

  • Wear indicator (not all)

  • Quick lagging replacement

  • Increase productivity

Technical description

Material: Wear Rubber 65 ShoreA
Wear side: Diamond-pattern
Installation: Welded
Fire Resistant & Anti Static, FRAS: Available on request
Pad Width: 135mm
Total width: 160mm (inc. Retainer)

Lagging specifications

Pads: 15x135x1687 mm, thickness variation ±0,5 mm
Single and double retainer: length = 2030 mm


Left: Rubber pads and retainer

Right: Single and double retainer

Item codes
Storage recommendations

Storage room for lagging must be cool, dry and kept clean.
Protect the lagging from dust, water etc. with suitable coverings.
Avoid storage places near sources of ozone generating equipment.
UV light can damage the product – protect product against direct sunlight and strong artificial light.
Do NOT store outside.
Do NOT store together with fuels, lubricants, acids, disinfectants, solvents or other chemicals.
Allow 24 hours before use when lagging is removed from cold storage.
Shelf life for cold vulcanizing lagging: 3 years.
(Stored covered out of sunlight UV and away from ozone generating equipment)


Calculate your need

There are two ways of applying slide laggings:
The butt seam method which is the most economic option. Pads are cut to fit the pulley face width and the remaining ends of each cut pad are used butted together. Pieces shorter than 100 mm should be discarded.

The full width method when no butt seams are desired. Each pad row is provided with full face width pads that have no butt seams. Example pulley diameter 600 mm & face width 1000 mm.

Butt seam method:

Number of rows = Pulley diameter x 3,14

Number of rows = 600 x 3,14 = 11,775

Round down to closest whole number -> 11.

2. Multiply the number of rows of pads by the pulley face width, divide with 1687 (full length pad in mm)

11 x 1000 = 6,5

Round up to closest whole number -> 7 full length pads required.

Butt seam method X min 100mm

Full width method:
1. Same as 1. above.

2. Calculate how many full width sections you can get from a standard size pad.

1687 = 1,7

Round down to closest whole number -> 1.

3. Divide number of rows with how many full widths you can get out of one pad.

11 = 11  -> 11 full length pads required.


Double retainer = (Face width + 500mm*) x number of rows = 5,7 -> 6 pcs
                                   Length of retainer

*Retainer length/Row = Face width + 25mm on each side.

Single retainer = (Face width + 50mm*) x 2** = 1,03 -> 2 pcs
                                   Length of retainer

**Always two.

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