A sustainable option with significantly improved wear life.
Designed for plug and play with reduced need for hot work.
More uptime and less work on crusher means less risk for your team.
Change-out cycles can be aligned with multi-life working wears.

Poly-Cer protective wears are designed to protect the mainframe, counter shaft and arm guard in cone crushers. The patented design—engineered with rubber, high-quality ceramics, and reinforced by steel—achieves longer wear life, triple or even significantly more in many cases. The elastic properties of rubber effectively absorb shock impacts and ceramics provide exceptional wear resistance. Poly-Cer can also minimize material sticking and blocking the mainframe material outflow.
With easy plug-in, bolt-in, installation for most crushers, Poly-Cer lessens the need for hot work and removes the need for ‘quick fix’ solutions. This, paired with significantly increased uptime, improves safety for your maintenance personnel.

Due to the significant wear life improvements and safety benefits, Poly-Cer qualifies for the Metso Plus certification. Metso Plus recognizes our offerings that meet strict internal sustainability standards, which are met through concrete data. These products are shown to be considerably more environmentally conscious than the industry benchmark, contributing meaningfully toward our own and our customers’ sustainability targets.