Stay up-to-date with our latest Metso Outotec Smelting Newsletter

Smelting Newsletter 2022

Message from our Smelting VP
Season’s greetings from Finland,
I hope you all have been good and nice to each other, and have not forgotten to write to Santa Claus. We have received a few orders from him as well and hopefully it’s you to whom he will give a new smelter or casting shop. Unfortunately, if you haven’t written to him yet, it’s now too late to get a new smelter for this Christmas... maybe next year.
On a serious note about deliveries, I would like to take this opportunity to remind you all about the matter I have been talking to everyone about this year: the extremely long lead times.
I keep repeating myself on this, because some have not realized the fact that the world has changed permanently. Due to the pandemic, the war in Europe, as well as some other disturbances in logistic chains, we have entered a “new normal” of lead times. In the past, we would call some large equipment as a long lead item if they have 6-8 months delivery time, and we were all aware of those. Today, this same equipment could have a lead time of 16-18 months. We have also seen that some small automation components, which used to be an on-the-shelf item, can have a similar lead time.
This is the reason we ask you to open your plans with us early enough. We want to avoid any unpleasant surprises during the project.
In this newsletter, you can find some interesting articles about our Planet Positive offering, which is our way to contribute positively to environment. We were also present at Copper 2022 in Santiago, where we had the opportunity to meet some of you, but more about that elsewhere in this newsletter.
I would like to remind our Flash Smelting and Flash Converting customers about our 16th IFSC which will be held October 1st-6th, 2023 in Bulgaria and Spain. Stay tuned and book these dates in your calendar. Invitations and registration instructions to follow early 2023.
Finally, I would like to wish you all Happy Holidays, and a prosperous and safe year 2023 in your business as well as in your personal life.
At your service,
Jyrki Makkonen
Vice President, Smelting business line, Metso Outotec
Save the date
The sixteenth International Flash Smelting Congress Bulgaria (Sofia) and Spain (Huelva)
October 1-6, 2023

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