Metso Full portfolio Conveyors Chain conveyors - reliable material transportation
Chain conveyors

Chain conveyors

Efficient material transportation with a competitive edge

Chain conveyors are often utilized to transport coal, wood, refuse, and scrubber sludge in pulp and paper mills, waste to energy facilities and coal fired electric power plants. Metso’s chain conveyors offering consists of two different types of equipment, drag chain conveyors and submerged chain conveyors, designed to keep your capital and operating costs low.

Reduced capital costs 

Dust-free and economical.

Occupies less space 

Easier to install and apply.

Lower energy consumption 

Energy-efficient and reliable transportation.

Less maintenance 

Robust design and durable parts. 

Durable chain conveyors for reliable material transportation

Chain conveyors can be configured to meet your process specifications. They are engineered to keep your capital costs low and operating and maintenance expenses to a minimum.

Metso’s chain conveyors offering consists of two different types of equipment, drag chain conveyors and submerged chain conveyors. Both chain conveyor types are commonly used in pulp and paper mills, waste to energy facilities or coal fired electric power plants to transport for example coal, wood, refuse and scrubber sludge.   

Drag chain conveyors’ air-tight construction keeps dust contained and allows material to move 2.4 m to 3.7 m (8 to 12 feet) per minute on up to a 35 degree incline.

Submerged chain conveyors, in turn, are able to move as fast 2.4 m to 3.7 m (8 to 12 feet) per minute on up to a 35 degree incline to dewater material efficiently.

Reduced capital costs 

The units are designed to handle both bottom ash and fly ash in an efficient, dust-free and economical way. 

Occupies less space 

Chain conveyors occupy a minimal amount of space while simultaneously optimizing the materials handling capabilities. 

Lower energy consumption 

Because of their smaller frame the conveyors also reduce average power consumption, increasing your operating margin.  

Less maintenance 

The need for maintenance drops significantly when the unit is configured to fit your specifications, and should you have the need, our engineers are readily available to assist you to reduce costly downtime.

Conveyor spare parts and wear parts for reliable operation

Wouldn’t it be more efficient to have one supplier for all your conveyor needs? Metso provides a complete range of conveyor spare parts and wear parts to maximize the efficiency and safety of your conveyor operations.

  • Conveyor belts
  • Conveyor belt cleaners
  • Conveyor belt guides
  • Conveyor belt tensioners
  • Conveyor idlers
  • Conveyor inspection hatches
  • Conveyor holdbacks
  • Conveyor hoods
  • Conveyor loaders
  • Conveyor seals
  • Conveyor skirting
  • Conveyor pulleys
  • Conveyor pulley guards
  • Conveyor pulley lagging
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