Metso Full portfolio MillSense
Optimize performance and decrease disturbances in your mill. The Metso MillSense™ mill charge sensor system provides on-line analysis of mill charge.
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Metso MillSense mill charge sensor system provides online analysis of the mill charge, enabling maximized availability and utilization, as well as improved grinding efficiency.

The system measures the mill’s toe angle with a wireless sensor attached to the liner bolt. Together with Metso's advanced process controls, the MillSense sensor system helps to stabilize and optimize grinding processes to ensure reliable operation and increased throughput.

  • Increases mill availability while decreasing unexpected shutdowns
  • Improves throughput and energy efficiency via optimizing mill charge
  • Reduced liner damage
  • Stable process regardless of changes in ore hardness
MillSense mill charge sensor system
MillSense™ & SmartEar™

The combination of MillSense™ and SmartEar™ fuses acoustic, vibration and force sensors information for improved online analytics of mill operations. This enables new ways of optimizing grinding performance.

  • MillSense enables mill charge control
  • SmartEar complements with impact data, and can be used as a constraint for the control for liner protection
  • Liner lifetime is visible from the impact data
  • Control improvement opportunities have been identified from data at a pilot site
sense series
Enable optimization through our Sense series
With more than a 50-year track record in digital innovation, Metso’s unmatched intelligent instruments portfolio enables industry leading process optimization​.

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