Our sustainability strategy comprises the most material topics to us and our stakeholders
In 2023, Metso updated its sustainability agenda based on a double materiality analysis. The renewed agenda comprises the following focus areas: Metso Plus offering and innovations for our customers, Metso’s people and culture, as well as environmental efficiency in our own operations, and responsible supply chain. Responsible business conduct is considered the foundation of our sustainability approach.

We aim to minimize our environmental footprint by reducing environmental impact in our operations, logistics and procurement. The safety and wellbeing of our people, enabling great employee experience, continuously developing our teams and ways of working, as well as diversity and inclusion are our priorities.
With our Metso Plus offering, we help our customers improve their environmental efficiency, productivity and reduce risks. We offer our customers energy- and water efficient solutions that help minimize emissions and enable re-use of materials.
We work closely with our suppliers to ensure a socially, environmentally and economically responsible value chain that reflects the same values, principles and conducts as we do in our own operations.