Why partner with Metso?
Improve plant productivity and product quality – and reduce fuel and power consumption – with improved green pellet size distribution
Gain valuable insights into your process with real-time information on pellet size distribution that can be used to optimize the process further
Further improve plant efficiency by reducing return fines in the green pelletizing loop
Maintain process stability regardless of fluctuations in raw-material properties such as moisture or particle size distribution
VisioPellet is a pellet size-control system that measures the size of green pellets using proven camera technology installed in a pelletizing disc or drum. Based on the measurement data the plant’s process control system can optimize the rotation speed of pelletizing discs/drums and the feed rate in real time.
VisioPellet has a proven track record in numerous pellet plants around the world. We can provide a complete upgrade package to retrofit pelletizing discs/drums with motorized inclination control, which further optimizes the pelletizing process by enabling the DCS to control the feed rate, disc/drum speed, and inclination.